Places of interest

Apollo theater

Movies, Theatre and Shows

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

There is no record of the date of the project or the name of the architect author. The only data found in the municipal archives and collected by the historian Emilio Villanueva (“Urbanism and Architecture in Modern Almería”) are proof that the new Apollo Theatre was built in 1881 on the site that had previously occupied the Teatro Calderón . At a time abounding recreational societies was one of them, the Society of Twenty, who promoted its construction becoming the first owner of the theater.

In January 1984, the Directorate General of Architecture and Housing, Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Environment, commissioned the architect Angel Jaramillo Esteban, performing some previous studies for the rehabilitation of the building, and then in 1985 the corresponding project .The works managed by the Hon. Almería City Council, beginning in 1987 under the direction of the same architect and then for various reasons remain stalled between 1989 and 1992, were completed in 1993, having taken part in financing the ministries of Public Works, Transport and Environment and Culture and the Departments of Public Works and Transport and Culture and the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía

Address: Rambla Obispo Orberá, 25. 04001 Almería.

Teatro Apolo de Almería
Teatro Apolo de Almería


Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto