Places of interest

Plaza Bendicho

Squares and Parks

Located in the heart of Old Town, in the old suburb of La Musalla, it is a secluded square, arising under the Catedral . This space was a favorite as a residence of the aristocracy during the sixteenth to eighteenth places. From the square we can see the cubes and towers of the Cathedral belonging to the ambulatory, where campea the characteristic “Sol de Portocarrero”. The square is dedicated to John F. Juan Leon Bendicho and Quelty, who was born in Malaga in 1809, and after marrying Doña Maria Dolores Puche, settled in Almeria.

In the square is the oldest house in the city “La Casa de los Puche,” eighteenth-century former noble family arrival in Almeria with the first Christian settlers in 1494. It has two floors, the lower, destined to services, and the upper housing owners. In its facade, it emphasizes the cover of stonecutting, framed with columns housing a semicircular arch, on which the family crest rises. The balcony, which rests directly on the cover, has a rich rejería.

Next to the Casa de los Puche, and located on the same line, it is the “House of Music”, the nineteenth century, restored and now houses the Provincial Tourism.

In the center of the square, the bust of the poet “Celia Viñas” who exercised his professional work as a teacher in the capital during the postwar years is enriching the almeriense literary work of the time.

In the last years of the twentieth century, next to the square, the street next to the south wall of the cathedral, Round Beato Diego Advantage, where you can stroll and admire the mighty walls of the fortress Catedral- opened.

Plaza Bendicho Almería
Plaza Bendicho Almería
