The city of Almeria was founded in 955 by the Arabs, but there are sites that trace their origins to prehistoric times. The hill where the Alcazaba is currently was the subject of the earliest occupation in prehistoric times, in a period that could be in the Age of Bronce.Posteriormente in pre-Roman times we find Phoenician findings. In Roman times, numerous pottery remains found in the excavations, covering a wide chronology from the first century was the latest productions of fine ceramics, with special emphasis on the end or late Roman period (centuries V to VII). It is occupation opens the possibility of permanence habitat to the “foundation” of the city in 955, based on a small seaside town dependent on the inside (URCI), which would be natural harbor and whose remains are found in various places of the city today.From Roman remains of the ancient Roman road of Bayyana still remain on the outskirts of the capital.

Twentieth century

The city of Almeria has undergone many important changes during the twentieth century has ended with the horizontal and quiet city. It has given way to large buildings in the historical center that…

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XIX Century

After the recovery experienced in the eighteenth century, will be in the mid to late nineteenth century, when again Almería again reach prosperity of yesteryear after reaching an important social and…

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Seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

After the recovery experienced in the eighteenth century, will be in the mid to late nineteenth century, when again Almería again reach prosperity of yesteryear after reaching an important social and…

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Christian conquest

After the capture of the city by the Catholic Monarchs, the December 26, 1489, Almería lived centuries of prosperity pauper. Being the sixteenth century is the century of retreat and abandonment of…

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Al-mariyat Bayyana, the Muslim era

During the Muslim period it was when Almeria reached its peak, especially in the XI-XII centuries, after the fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba, becoming a populous center of civilization. This time,…

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There are very well known personalities in Almeria. Some for their dedication to the city, others with national projection and some even known worldwide. Discover some of the most illustrious people from Almeria, whether born or adopted.

david bisbal turismo almeria - Turismo Almería

David Bisbal

1979 -
manolo escobar turismo almeria 480 - Turismo Almería

Manolo Escobar

1931 - 2013
jose fernandez campos richoly - Turismo Almería


1920 - 1995
jesus perez perceval turismo almeria 480 - Turismo Almería


1915 - 1985
francisca diaz torres dona pakyta turismo almeria 480 - Turismo Almería

Doña Pakyta

1911 - 2014
guillermo langle turismo almeria 480 - Turismo Almería

Guillermo Langle

1895 -1981